Do you want to pass the GRE® Exam on your first attempt?
Prep for the Revised GRE® Exam with this app. Practice 2 important sections Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning which help you in preparing for Graduate Record Examination.
GRE® Practice Test provides many training questions for people who want to take a test and pass GRE® Exam. We take each exam and break it down into knowledge areas so that you can filter your study sessions based on your needs.
+ 1000+ questions
+ User Friendly Interface
+ Covers two sections (Math, Verbal)
- Over 1000 questions to practice with.
- Realistic: Just like the actual test, our practice tests are based on the official test.
- Detailed explanations: When you make a mistake, the app tells you right away if your answer is wrong and why. You understand and remember every wrong answer.
- Personalized Challenge Bank: a test that's automatically made up of your missed questions from all your practice tests
- New questions every time: To keep you focused, we randomize questions and answers each time you start a practice test.
- No registration required
- Practice reminders
- Track and monitor your progress. Analyse your performance and find out when you have reached test standard.
Download the android app on your mobile and jump start your GRE® preparation
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GRE® is a registered trademark of the Educational Testing Service (ETS). ETS does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with this application.
+ 1000 +问题
- 超过1000个问题与实践。
- 现实:就像实际测试中,我们的实践检验是基于官方测试。
- 详细的解释:当你犯了一个错误,应用程序会告诉你马上,如果你的答案是错的,以及为什么。您了解并记住每一个错误的答案。
- 个性化银行面临的挑战:一个测试,会自动从您的所有实践检验由你错过了问题
- 每一次新的问题:为了让你专注,我们随机的问题和答案每次启动一个实践的检验时间。
- 无需注册
- 实践提醒
- 跟踪和监视进度。分析你的表现,并发现当你已经达到测试标准。
GRE®是美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)的注册商标。 ETS不认可,也不是在与此应用程序没有任何关联。